
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Doctor Visit

Yesterday we went for Abby's 2 month check up ... and they told us what we already knew ... she is pretty perfect! Ha!

Weight: 10 lbs 9 oz (50%)
Height: 23 inches (75%)
Head: 38 1/4 (50%)

She is doing just great, growing and changing just like she should. The only sad thing was that she had to have 4 shots yesterday. I was glad that Nathan was there to hold her down, because I felt so bad for her. Anyway they had 2 nurses give 2 shots each in the legs at the same time and boy did she scream! However, Nathan picked her right up and got her calmed down pretty fast. It was later that afternoon when she woke up from a nap that she really told us how mad she was about it! The doctor told us to give her a little Tylenol to help with the soreness so we did that and it seemed to help. Not much to report this time, we are still using the Zantac - which has really helped her - for acid reflux. She is a lot less fussy and gassy. We go back to the doctor at 4 months and that is when she gets to start trying cereal and other solids.


Amy Pennington said...

I don't know if you will read this in time but, Meg used to get fussy with the pneumacoccial shot and they give that every other month. We also would ask to split her shots up into groups of 2 and they didn't like that idea, but we insisted and they said yes...more copays, but less fussy baby.
Anyways, good luck and ps we also gave tylenol 1 hr before we went to the dr.

Alexis said...

I'd say she's just about perfect!!